Guided Tour of the Exposition of 29

Plaza de España

Este tour propone recorrer los espacios que fueron sede de la Exposición Iberoamericana de 1929.

Visitaremos la joya regionalista, obra cumbre de Aníbal González, Plaza de España. Recorreremos igualmente las 45 hectáreas y más de 1000 especies de plantas que decoran el pulmón verde de Sevilla, El Parque de María Luisa con sus bellos pabellones mudéjares y renacentistas, hoy museos de la ciudad.


Spain Square

Spain Square

It was designed by the architect Aníbal González. It was built between 1914 and 1929 as the main building, and the largest one, of the 1929 Ibero-American Exhibition. It is the largest of those erected in the city during the entire 20th century, comparable to the other two outstanding historical buildings outside the city walls, which are the hospital of the Five Wounds and the Royal Tobacco Factory.

María Luisa Park

María Luisa Park

El parque de María Luisa es el primer parque urbano de Sevilla y uno de sus pulmones verdes. En 1983 fue declarado Bien de Interés Cultural en la categoría de Jardín Histórico. Se inauguró el 18 de abril de 1914 como parque urbano Infanta María Luisa Fernanda.

Museum of Popular Arts and Customs

Museum of Popular Arts and Customs

The Museum of Popular Arts and Customs is located in the Plaza de América in Maria Luisa Park. On the other side of the square is the Archaeological Museum. It was the pavilion of Old Art of the Ibero-American Exhibition of 1929.


The tour takes 3 hours


This walk can also be done in a horse-drawn carriage.


The walk around the Maria Luisa Park site is very accessible. Within the Plaza de España you can access the intermediate level and staircase platform. There is no accessible alternative to climb up to the viewpoint of the towers.