Why Italica was founded in that location?
Where was the ancient Italica?
Why is there a mosaic dedicated to birds?
To whom (To what deity) was the former temple dedicated?
Who are the people depicted in the planetarium’s mosaics?
The guided tour of Italica is aimed at students of English as a foreign language. This tour is ideal for all levels of English, since it will be adapted accordingly, so students with an advanced English level and those with more modest language skills will all benefit from the tours. Our purpose is to provide the language school a list of topics with relevant vocabulary and phrases related to Rome and the Roman period, so the students will have some preparation beforehand. At the end of the tour, a small workshop will be held in which all students will be able to take an active part.

To visit the ruins of Italica with students is highly recommended. It is a very educational site with excellent possibilities for finding out more about the Roman culture and society in order to recreate a period of great importance for the Betica and Hispalis.
Italica was the first Roman settlement of the Iberian Peninsula and the birth place of Trajan, as well as a city of reference for his successor Hadrian. These Roman ruins are very rich in architecture and they include an impressive amphitheatre, the fourth largest in the whole Roman Empire. Its complex drainage system, and a good part of its wonderful mosaics and sturdy walls are still there for us to marvel at.

Rome proved to be one of the most decisive influences in the cultural and spiritual make-up of Seville, and in the city as it stands today we can still see vestiges of its presence. We will talk about this influence and the importance of Hispalis for Rome.
In our guiding tour of Italica, amongst many other things, we will be learning about the techniques used in the making of mosaics and the function of this decoration; we will get to know about the importance of the various Roman gods, the origin of the Roman temples, the importance of games in the Roman culture and many other social Roman habits and customs in general.
Your guide will also be able to inform you about questions such as personal rituals of hygiene used by the Roman citizens in baths, gyms or at their own homes. We will also find out about the economy of La Betica and the connections between Italica and Hispalis. Rome proved to be one of the most decisive influences in the cultural and spiritual make-up of Seville, and in the city as it stands today we can still see vestiges of its presence. We will talk about this influence and the importance that Hispalis itself had for Rome.

We like our tours to be very educational while making the visits fun and at the same time encouraging student participation in the discovery of this great civilization.
Possibility of contracting bilingual visits ( English-Spanish or Spanish-French)
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